TriMet, Portland, OR

The digital information display project provides real-time information to our customers enhancing accessibility and improving ease of use

Connectpoint DBS13 in TriMet bus shelter

TriMet improves the passenger experience, providing 24/7 real-time information with energy-efficient solar-powered digital signage from Connectpoint

Over 400 Signs Deployed with More to Come!

Project Background:

In January 2020, Connectpoint® was awarded a 5-year contract from TriMet to provide hundreds of solar-powered ePaper displays for the agency’s fixed-route bus and light rail transit services. This ongoing effort provides passengers with real-time arrival and departure times, emergency messaging and other real time alerts to improve rider information.

Public transportation is a crucial element of any smart city infrastructure, exemplified by Portland’s TriMet. It delivers essential benefits such as reduced traffic, lower emissions, and improved mobility, all of which are vital for smart cities. Among the many aspects of an effective mass transit system, offering real-time travel information around the clock is indispensable

TriMet, among the top 15 largest transit agencies in the U.S., and serving over 1.5 million people, had been looking for a solution to deliver real-time information at the bus stop level. Passengers expect continued system enhancements in regard to connectivity – such as easy access to arrival and departure information, the route their bus will travel — including stops, and intermodal and interconnective routes to neighboring transit agencies. Passengers also want to know when service delays or changes occur that may impact their trip. Delays and changes caused by accidents, weather, mechanical issues, traffic congestion or other unplanned events leave passengers frustrated if they are not kept informed. Up-to-date information improves a passenger’s trust in the transit system and subsequently affects their decision in choosing TriMet for transportation.

While digital signage was the obvious choice, 99% of bus stops in the United States do NOT have electrical infrastructure—Connectpoint was the first to market with a solar powered e-Paper solution. Connectpoint is the registered owner of the trademark Digital Bus Stop®.

In January 2020, Connectpoint® was awarded a 5-year contract from TriMet to provide hundreds of solar-powered ePaper displays for the agency’s fixed-route bus and light rail transit services. This 5-year effort provides passengers with real-time arrival and departure times, emergency messaging and other real time alerts to improve rider information.

Since 2020 TriMet has already deployed over 400 13” ePaper displays throughout their greater Portland service area, with hundreds more yet to be deployed. TriMet, considered by other transit agencies throughout the country as a pioneer and leader in many areas, places a special focus on their rider experience. With Connectpoint’s solar powered signage, TriMet is once again leading the way in using smart technology to provide riders/customers with an unprecedented level of information while at the same time providing the fundamental building blocks of smart city technology for the City of Portland.

The Connectpoint® Digital Bus Stop® offers ground-breaking technology via solar-powered, real-time departure and schedule information as well as service alerts. These “smart city” digital signs are equipped with ePaper displays that provide crystal-clear readability any hour of the day or night. Connectpoint’s Digital Bus Stop® signs are easy to install, can be retrofitted to existing bus stops or shelters and managed remotely via their content management system, CPAM™.

System health, power, and content across digital signage is managed by a single cloud-based content management system, Connectpoint’s CPAM (Connectpoint Asset Management), the industry’s only device agnostic, content management system, which can be accessed from any mobile device for on-the-go changes and performance visibility and can be converted into an emergency message system.

Why is the project influential?

TriMet has a longstanding reputation for leadership and innovation, especially within the Smart City sector. Committed to excellence in service, connectivity, and customer satisfaction, TriMet chose Connectpoint’s suite of ePaper signage products for their new Real-Time Information Signs. These signs are durable, eco-friendly, optionally solar-powered, and visually clear—essential qualities for sustainable smart city development. Recognizing mass transportation as a crucial backbone of every smart city, TriMet sets a leading example in this domain.

The benefits of real-time information in public transportation are vast and are revolutionizing commuting. Real-time information encompasses various updates, including precise bus arrival and departure times, service changes, public service announcements, and delays. With updates every minute, riders can plan effectively and stay informed about any changes, fostering trust in the information and services provided. This trust directly leads to increased ridership.

On a budgetary level, by eliminating the need to manually update paper signs, the project also recognizes significant cost savings through the deployment of solar powered digital signage as opposed to paper schedules.

The success of TriMet’s project continues as additional Digital Bus Stops are added to their routes. Along with maximizing passengers’ trust in their transit system, the digital displays are also an environmentally friendly way of providing information. ePaper displays are incredibly energy efficient whether they are solar- or AC- powered, have exceptional longevity, and fight light pollution in big cities. TriMet can show other transit agencies that a new standard for passenger information and experience has been created.

“The digital information display project provides real-time information to our customers enhancing accessibility and improving ease of use, highlighting TriMet’s commitment to continually improving our customer experience. Making public transportation easier, and more efficient to use, will help us increase ridership and achieve our goals related to mitigating climate impacts, enhancing mobility, increasing opportunity, lessening congestion, and lessening congestion.”

Nate Smith
TriMet Director of Customer Experience
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