RTC, Las Vegas, NV

Over 21,000 route planning interactions monthly!

In a commitment to help Las Vegas RTC (Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada) migrate efficiently to its Smart Transit goals, Connectpoint Inc. created a robust and interactive kiosk to give Las Vegas RTC’s customers easy access to real-time arrival/departure information in addition to providing detailed information modules to easily navigate the RTC transit system and encourage trip planning.

The objective was to make interactive, transit information fun and engaging for the customer by providing detailed screens for trip planning, and incorporating solutions for the first and last mile usage.

Las Vegas RTC needed to educate their transit customers with any easy-to-navigate solution. Before the installation of the Connectpoint® SmartStop®, customers had difficulty finding their way through the system. Now they can see every stop and all arrival/departure times effortlessly.

In the end, the solution was to simply give the riders the information when they need it, where they need it in an easy-to-understand format. Connectpoint’s Interactive Kiosks have different modules for the next departure/arrival and information on where the bus stops are located, in addition to being a great platform for ad revenue.

With the deployment of the Connectpoint Interactive Kiosk, Las Vegas RTC has seen unprecedented usage numbers for kiosks in the transit industry. The monthly usage numbers were at 21,000 for “route planning interactions,” with “trail blazer” and “trip plans” at 4,461 and 2,476, respectively. These initiatives focused on educating transit customers on services that are available via a simple user interface coupled with robust content.

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